Love’s Cautionary Tale
Discerning fellow human beings means truly seeing The Other:
The Poor
The Young
The Old
The Homeless
The Sick
The Prisoner
To the degree we see each other simply as needy target groups, we utterly miss the mark; the mark of love.
Do I get it, do I really get it: that God loves The Other NO LESS than He loves me?
Jesus says,
I was hungry
I was in homeless
I was sick
I was in prison
(Matthew 25)
Because God identifies Himself precisely with that poor brother, that stricken sister,
that malnourished child.
How about this thought: He is better able to associate with the above-mentioned than with those of us who think we have it all.
Lack of truly seeing The Other can mean an astounding lack of discernment.
Some of us proclaim ourselves unwittingly as the extremists we are.
Fooled by our own advertising, we may be the only ones blind to our own blinkers.
Sleeper wake up!
Blind man see!
How revolutionary is
this love.
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